National hotel and tourism training institute
Many famous travelers of a sine and middle ages visited Bangladesh .But now many problems need to solved for our tourism development. The main problem the lake of good infrastructure, transport, communication system, which are precondition for the development of the tourism. Good hotel services and recreational facilities are hardly available .Even we have not made large scale and effective publicity. So ,we are getting less benefits from tourism but we realize that Bangladesh has bright prospect of tourism .we want to increase our national economy and our country will be develop by given priority and important to tourism .The government has declared it as an industries and offered many incentive and facilities to in courage privet and foreign investment in this sector .For the development of tourism, Bangladesh promotion corporation has provided various facilities in the from hotels ,motels and youth hotels, restaurant, picnic spot, land then water transport, duty free shot and other recreational facilities and different truism potential areas. Both Bangladesh Porjoton Corporation and private sector are offering package like sightseeing, tours and other facilities. Many person has taken training from the national hotel and tourism training institute .and now there are working in the tourism industry both in home and abroad.